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Showing posts from February, 2013

Intisari Ceramah Aagym

Kita harus belajar tau diri. Kita muncul di dunia ini gak ujug-ujug. Kita ini diciptakan oleh suatu Zat yang maha hebat. Jangan rewel sama Allah. Ikhlas aja, terima aja. Karena apa yang Allah buat pasti benar. Pasti adil. Jangan pernah bilang “Allah gak adil”. Kalau kita main itung-itungan sama Allah, wah tekor lah kita. Manusia setiap harinya menghirup oksigen sebanyak 2880 liter. Harga oksigen di rumah sakit sekitar 25.000. Kalau Allah gak maha pemurah, disuruh bayar tuh kita untuk setiap oksigen yang terhisap. 2880 liter dikali 25.000 dikali 30hari adalah Kalau Allah mau minta bayaran, dalam satu bulan kita harus bayar 2 milyar lebih. Sanggup? :p Kita itu harus kenal siapa yang nyiptain kita. Please kita harus tau diri keberadaan kita di dunia. Coba kita telaah lebih dalem, bagaimana kita muncul di dunia ini. Darimana sih kita itu? Bagaimana mungkin kita bisa tumbuh besar dan berkembang hingga sekarang tanpa ada yang ngatur. Ko siang bisa berubah jadi male

Somebody That I Used To Know

I closed my eyes while hearing Gotye- Somebody That I Used To Know. So this is it. I present you a very short story that i've made when i was soaking into this song. I add, there is no corelation with the lyric. If it so, just a coincidence. That's nothing else but my spontaneous interpretation. The ide just show up. Surprisingly. Bam. Bam. Bam . Approximately like that. *** "Are you okay, honey?" He puts his arm around me. Found me hangover on bar. Wait. What? Honey? What did he say? He must be drunk. But I was drunk too. We are new drunken master from England. Haha. I am giggling on my ramble. Now, I am seeing multiples of everything. I feel so dizzy. I have no strength to stand. " Let me go home! Let me go home, stranger!" I nag. "Stranger? You are totally insane. I think those drugs was work on you." He brings me to his home . No power to fight back. I am where he brings me in. I open my eyes. The man with Ben-Affleck-look ju
Let's. Adventure. Music. Road. Meal. Wind. Tired. Sweat. Love. People. Fade. Light. Grin. Boys. Cycle. Laugh. Andalusia. Stranger. Group. Money. Tie. Snag. Tag. Photo. Hug. Limit . Sky. Blue. Food. Trap. Heal. Pray. Eye. Preppy. Snif. Beyond. Mercy. Planet. Blue. Bird. Quite. Dorm. Queen. Huge. Born. Gotye. Volvo. Xylophone. Books. Word. Tree. Read. Phone. Silence. Writes. Shoe. Peace. Diamond. Work. Beach. Twilight. Camera. Creamy. Fancy. Craft.   Map. Culture. Ticket. Friends . Holiday. Sandwich. Picnic. Heart. Free. Far. Walk. Smile.  Summer . Double Dekker. Polandia. Child. Foreign. Pasport. Fly. Glasses. Imagination. Yellow. Cloud. Panic. Warm. God. Captain. Speak. Old. Sweet. Cook. Live. Roses. Boat. Air. Parfume. Miss. Memories. Go. Home

Teka teki

Lawakan Puji nih. Ketawa ya. Peace, world Beberapa hari yang lalu adek saya (Puji, 6SD) ngasih teka-teki. Lumayan lah bikin pengen jedutin kepala ke tembok. Puji: Teh, binatang apa yang kalau dipukul bikin kita sakit? Lida: Gak tau Puji: Usaha dulu, jawab. Lida: Nyamuk meureun ya? Puji: Bener teh! 100!! Lida: Puji: Teh astronot turun ke bumi, dengan? Lida: KAKI! Puji: Salah!!!! Jawabannya adalah Dengan... Selamat. Lida: Puji: Sambal apa yang hasilnya 81, teh? Lida: Tik tok tik tok Puji: Sambilan kali sambilan. Masa gak tau sih? Lida: Puji: Ikan apa yang matanya banyak? Lida: 7 years later.. Puji: Ikan teri satu ember Lida: Karepmu, ji. Puji: Gimana caranya bikin telur jadi nanas? Lida: Di sulap hahahahahahaha zz -__- Puji: Kasiin aja ke anak kecil, nanti bilang: Nanaas.. Nanaas.. Lida: Lucu pisan ji. Pengen ceurik... Puji: Anjing laut sebelnya ama siapa? Lida: Su


“Ginger, why do you fight everything so much?” “I don’t” “Yeah, you do. You got a real problem with just letting go and enjoying the moment, don’t you?" Loose Screws  Page 192, Karen Templeton

Smart street

Everywoman has to smart. No matters where they work are, who you marry with, either decide to be housewife or career woman, you have to smart. No deal with that. Wait. I’m not talking about having a great score on examination or get A+ diamond for calculus test (this kind of woman geek) . You get wrong. I’m telling you about being smart street wife and mother. If you smart, your little skittle will grow enormous. If you smart, your household will perfect. Vice versa. Smart women would be smart enough to choose what is good for their family. They will select the best education which are require for the children. Therefore they must start thinking about how to save for their child’s education. Smart women always have an idea how to dish up healthy food. So they will look for all the kind of healthy food. And I’m sure, they are going mad when they find their children eating lots of noodles secretly. They feel fail and cry out load. Smart women know how to teach their children by

Urban dictionary

Have you heard about urban dictionary? This is coolest dictionary i ever read. Go klik to see the meaning of slang english words. It made by everyone who define their new words. I think if there are indonesian people who create as urban dictionary, that must be define of kepo, ciyus, and miapah word put there in. Oh, no help. I really love words. I found a lot of funny word there. So we could use in our daily convo. These are some of my favorite words. powerpuff presentation A powerpoint presentation containing lots of flashy animations, cool pictures, and all sorts of other snazzy gimmics, but almost entirely lacking in any real substance. Didn't the Jenny's presentation just blow you away? I loved the falling apples turning into dollar bills. But what was the point? Dunno; it was definitely a powerpuff presentation S ince i fell off my dinosau r A term used to describe something that you haven't heard or see

Happy glitter

Warning! This Is The Most Cheesy Confession In The World.  Feel Free To Throw Up . Haha. (ahem) I-forget-how-many- years ago. I was looking him when he walked in to the mosque. I think he had wudhu. He stared and was smiling at me. I smiled back. Suddenly my heart beat faster. But that was a temporary feeling. I no longer mind that. Untill... He texted me a million second ago and made me grin automatically. Hey, no! I'm not fallin. My happy eye just want to see his heartfelt eye again. :) Oh my God, this words getting pink. Am i.........?


What if we can’t get what we want? Well, people say:  “If you can’t get more, then want less.” Then, I wonder why no one says:  “If you can’t want less, then get more.” I prefer the second one. You know what, ‘getting more’ is not about being greedy or unlimitedly over-ambitious. ‘Getting more’ is about doing a bit more. To work a bit harder, study a bit longer, sleep a bit later, wake up a bit earlier, pray a bit deeper. To run a bit faster. - Source: Puty's Journal Genius!
"I often wonder about silent readers. I wonder who you are, what you do, and why you read my blog.  So if you are a silent reader and have never left a comment, jump out the bushes and scare me with a hello." Are you dare enough? :p

Keeping this in mind

My Second Chance

2012 taugh me how to survived. That very-hard-year made me to be a survivor. I could trek up that year by myself. With God’s leading, definitely. I can’t believe I can passed it though I should go through the big storm. Ok, so here is my true story. I swear this is not my ramblings. This is real. I hope you guys can learn something from this. *** Tahun 2012 memang tahun yang super padat buat saya. Padat pelajarannya. Bermula dari meninggalnya teman saya, A. Dia meninggal dunia karena mengidap penyakit leukemia di bulan April 2012. Tidak ada yang pernah percaya bahwa dia mengidap penyakit tersebut. Semuanya serba tiba-tiba. Kematiannya benar-benar menampar saya. Mungkin kita sering denger berita tentang orang yang tidak kita kenal meninggal dunia di televise, koran, dan sebagainya. Paling respon kita cuma mengucapkan Innalillahi , ikut berduka, lalu kehidupan normal kembali. Tapi ketika kita dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa yang meninggal itu adalah orang te
You think people start ignoring you. Then, look again! It's actually you who ignore them the most - Nindababond (((Ka- Boom!!)))

Investasi Amal

Saya pernah baca di akun @Quran_Hadist ada ayat Al-Quran yang menyebutkan bahwa “Hidup 1000 tahun di dunia ini rasanya seperti  1 hari di akhirat”  Surat As-Sajdah [32] : 5 Dia mengatur urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepada-Nya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya (lamanya) adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu. Oke sekarang kita membuat perhitungan matematika sederhana. 1000 tahun dunia = 24 jam akhirat Misal, hidup kita hanya sampai umur 70 tahun 70 tahun dunia = … jam akhirat? 70/1000 x 24 jam = 1,68 jam atau 1 jam 40 menit 48 detik. Firman Allah dalam surat An-Naazi’aat [79] : 46 Pada hari mereka melihat hari berbangkit itu, mereka merasa seakan-akan tidak tinggal (di dunia) melainkan (sebentar saja) di waktu sore atau pagi hari. www.suara Simulasi perhitungan ini HANYA mengingatkan kita bahwa kehidupan dunia memang cuma sebentar. Kita pasti bakal meninggal. Tujuh puluh tahun kehidupan kita yang nantinya akan kita jalani (i