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Showing posts from July, 2011


If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older Tom Stoppard Udah lama banget deh pengen nulis tentang masa SD saya di SALMAN, tapi selalu aja gak sempet dan gak ada waktu. Males sih sebenernya. Hahaha . Mangkanya mumpung gak males, saya pengen cerita deh Masa SD saya yang super menyena ngkan. And the story begin..... EX-CALIBUR Dulu pas zaman SD saya punya dua geng. Geng pertama namanya excalibur, anggotanya Saya, Putri , Kania , Hamdan , Bajay , Rian . Sayangnya kita bukan geng anak manis. Yah bisa dibilang partner in crime lah. Kita punya markas di bawah bunga bougenvil di deket pintu masuk sekolah. Gila ya how small nya kita dulu ampe cukup duduk ber 6 di bawah ta naman bougenvil. Disana kita sering rapat. Dan kalian tau apa yang kita rapatin? Ini nih topik rapat kita. " Dimana lagi ya markas kita selanjutnya? " Setelah mendapatkan conclusion dari rapat tersebut, akhirnya kita pindah markas. Setelah markas baru sudah di tentukan, kita rapat lagi un

Beautiful Lessons from Harry Potter

These are beautiful lessons that J.K Rowling has taught us through the characters starwarscastlegeek : Neville Longbottom taught us that sometimes you must face your fears and stand up for what you believe in..he taught us how to have courage. Luna Lovegood taught us that it’s okay to be yourself and not care what other people think about you because if they were true friends they would like the real you..she taught us how to be unique. Ginevra Weasley taught us that it’s possible to fight off demons on your own, but sometimes you need friends to help you.. Ronald Weasley taught us that even if you have the emotional range of a teaspoon and nasty temper, you will always be needed.. Hermione Granger taught us that it’s not a bad thing to have a thirst for knowledge and research.. Draco Malfoy taught us that everyone makes mistakes, and that no one is completely stonic..he taught us that everyone has feelings. Bellatrix Lestrange taught us that really are some horrible people in the worl