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Karaoke via blog


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2, You must press play button

3, Sing it load!

4, Repeat.

Soko- The Dandy Cowboy

I can't be me when I'm in front of you
I just can't be myself when I see you
because you're very cute tonight
and I feel shy and sad and I
look at you
and I think I love you
but you don't want me
and that is very clear
I should have noticed it for years
but I still want you but not as a friend

you're the man, I'm the girl,
we look good together
you with your hat, me with my boots
we are, we are, the dandy cowboys

I read today in a magazine
that men don't like girls who are
shy and sad so now
I wear my magic smile, just for you
I put my magic boots, I ride my magic horse
I am so brave, I don't fear anything
I don't even fear /.../ ?
under my skirt , /I wrote all amends/?
and give the money, to dady

you're the man, I'm the girl,
we look good together
you with your hat, me with my boots
we are, we are, the dandy cowboys

and now I'm the richest girl in all the country
you call me 'baby' you say you want me
but honey, it's too late
now I'm the queen of rodeo
you missed your chance
you're no longer my heroe

you're bitching dady
you don't respect the rules
you stole my money
and ran away with your poney
and now I'm gonna kill you
I'll shoot you in the head
now I'm gonna kill you
I'm gonna shoot you in the head

you're the man, I'm the girl,
we look good together
you with your hat, me with my boots
we are, we are, the dandy cowboys

you didn't want me and that was very clear
I will never never forget it
but there's still a hope that hats and boots can get along together
I still hope that hats and boots can get along together
I still hope that hats and boots can get along together
I hope that we get along

Soko- Shitty Day

I hate myself today.
I don’t know what’s happening to me.
I hate my face today.
I think I look so shitty.

I have some sweat everywhere.
I’m not even shaved.
My hair all greasy.
I look disgusting.

My eyes are glued.
My lips are chaffed.
My legs are prickling.
And plus I’m stinky today.

How can I date someone with a face like that?
I know you’re gonna dump me again,
And I am gonna cry.

Cuz you want a perfect girl,
And I’m not what you expected.
You want a perfect girl,
And I look shitty today.

Maybe I should put some makeup,
And find some crazy outfits.
But I am very tired today
And I don’t care if I’m not pretty.

Should be like these girls,
Skinny and great all the time.
I’m still wearing my slippers
And eat all the candies at home.

I should sleep more,
And stop going out everyday.
I should focus more,
And stop complaining today.

Tell me, How can I date someone with a face like that?
I know you’re gonna dump me again,
And I am gonna cry.

Cuz you want a perfect girl,
And I’m not so perfect.
You want a perfect girl,
And I look shitty today.

Tell me, how can I date someone with a face like that?
I know you’re gonna dump me,
And I am gonna cry.

Soko-Take my heart

You can take my heart, for a walk on the beach,
You can take my heart, for a little trip,
You can take my heart, very close to your heart,
You can take my heart, forever if you like.

But not every heart
Belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be.

I'm the one for you
you're the one for me
you love me as much as I do
when you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you, so please come in
and you love me more and more
and my love grows up with you
and you kiss me more and more
and I kiss you too
and I kiss you too

If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart , it's to make it happy
If I take your heart , it's forever close to mine

But not every heart
belongs to any other
You and I
You and I
are meant to be
I'm the one for you
you're the one for me
you love me as much as I do
when you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you, so please come in
and you love me more and more
and my love grows up with you
and you kiss me more and more
and I kiss you too
and I kiss you too

I don't care
I don't care
if I'm again carried away
if you swear
if you swear
to give me your heart in return
I don't care, I don't care!
if i'm again carried away
if you swear
if you swear
to give me your heart in return
to give me your heart in return

Grow old with you-Adam Sandler

i wanna make you smile
whenever you're sad
carry you around when your arthritis is bad
all i wanna do, is grow old with you

I'll get you medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
So, it could be so nice growing old with you,....

I'll miss you
Kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Need you
Feed you
Even let you hold the remote control.

So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink
Oh I could be the man that grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you


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